14 October 2011

Training Update

I thought I'd share an update on some of the new training methodologies I have been testing out and incorporating since the last time I posted a session. Lately, I have had great success directing my training focus towards energy system development. Previously, strength and work capacity testing were the two largest components of my training regimen. Now, strength has fallen off the priority list as I get older and look toward longevity. This is not to say that strength has been eliminated or is not still important; however, I currently do not maintain any goals of progressing my level of strength through strength specific training. I have found learning and developing proficiency in high level skills to be more productive than maintaining progress in the basics, as these higher level skills provide greater demands on the incorporation of many different facets of fitness. Below in order of precedence is my training protocol:

1. Energy System Development (ESD) - comprised of three training sessions during the week. The first day focuses on high intensity training, ATP-CP system development with short bursts of vigorous activity lasting no longer then 10 seconds with a 1:2 work to rest ratio. Sprints while stair running, rowing, or on the airdyne are my modes of choice. The second day lengthens the work output and decreases the intensity to a moderate level so output can be sustained, Glycolosis system development is trained with longer bouts of high intensity activity up to 3 minutes in length with a 1:1 or 1:2 work to rest ratio. For these training days stadium sprint circuits, 400m or 800m sprints, and long weighted sled drags are all top choices. The last day is focused on Oxidative system development, this is my long slow duration (LSD) training day, which I like to use as active recovery. Fin swimming for distance, obstacle and beach runs, or long sessions on the rower are my favorite choices for this session. Sessions usually are from 20-90 minutes depending on how I feel. ESD is great General Physical Preparedness (GPP) conditioning.

2. Skill Development - comprised of training that includes more complex movements which incorporate more motor neuron recruitment, develop neuromuscular efficiency, and develop proprioception; movements that imitate animals in nature (various crawls, jumping, tumbling), and movements with the greatest level of transferability across the broadest spectrum of fitness. Some quick examples include hand-balancing, the single-arm snatch, rope climbing, agility ladder, burpee pull-ups, two-hands anyhow, pistol squats, weighted vest bear crawls, kong vaults, and hand springs.

3. Sport - lastly sport rounds off the prescription. Sport is infinite to the effect that it is limitless in training multi-planar movement, both bilateral and unilateral proficiency, all levels of energy system development, as well as balance, coordination, agility and power. You could become a well rounded individual through a variety of sports alone. After all, sport was initially created to further training in a competitive atmosphere allowing the individual to further push and test the bounds of performance. Sports I partake in are Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, parkour, and adventure racing.


  1. Nice. I definitely agree with the Sport training. This has been coming up in a lot of discussions lately. Multi-planar movement. It is a must for all sports to be well developed in all planes of movement. Crossfit and almost all gym stuff is extremely linear in its nature. That's why i incorporate the old WAZA warmups into my LSD runs (skips, high knees, high ankles, gallops, backwards runs, karaoke, backwards with lateral gallops, body varial's while holding direction and speed). All stuff i use on the soccer field. For strength, I'm down to basics now, 5-3-1 has been effective in maintaining/growing strength plus continued body weight exercises, calisthenics etc. Skill development is one of the most fun areas. I have a list of GOAT moves i just try to get better at (rope climbs, ball strikes, parkour moves, handstands, break dancing, etc.) Longevity is an interesting subject. Since i have been involved in these "crossfit style" workouts i have wondered what the long term effects on my body will be. I spent may years in my youth abusing my body aggressive skating, skateboarding, snowboarding, BMXing etc, and now i am spending time abusing myself with some very taxing workouts. I wonder if we will look back on this stuff in 30 years and say it was just another "fad" in an industry laden with gimmick's in order to motivate the unmotivated. It's worth thinking about. That's is why i am focusing every single day on improving my mobility with mobility wod. I think out of everything i have learned on this journey, mobility will be the most important thing i take away from the experience.

  2. I would recommend one thing....you may already do this...
    Taking time to read an entire book, self-help, leadership, financial wisdom, etc to stimulate the mental faculties...some math, crossword puzzles, brain twisters...and most of all several chapters of the Word of God each day.

  3. Good recommendation, personally I start of every morning reading God's word and additional daily word for fathers. I am also currently working on completing my second bachelors degree which keeps me pretty stimulated. I don't believe in self-help books, but rather increasing your faith in God for He provides all. I do however recommend reading these books: The Warrior Ethos, by Steven Pressfield, and Deep Survival, by Laurence Gonzales. Math is something I could definitely improve on, good call!
