28 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
10x Single arm OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Tuck Jumps
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side


Work up to Single-arm Snatch 1RM

Work Capacity:

While wearing a 20 lbs. vest:
5 Rounds
7x SDHP 135/95 lbs.
7x Box jumps 36/24 inch box


Active Recovery:

Option "A"
Fun run - hit a trail and get outside, no set distance or time limit, jump over obstacles, mix in short bursts of sprints and have fun.

Option "B"
Climb something - a tree, a large boulder, a rock wall, reach a place that challenges you.

Option "C"
Underwater swim/snorkel - in a river, pond or lake and get below the surface. Practice endurance breath holding while you explore the underworld.


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
10x Shoulder dislocates
10x Cossack squats each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side


Work up to 1RM OHS

Core Strength:

For time:
100x OHS w/50% of your 1RM
100x Atomic push-ups*

*You can utilize a TRX, rings, a power wheel, or a swiss ball for this movement.



15-12-9 Reps of
Deadlift 315/175 lbs.
Ring dips x2

Notes: This is not for time. Scale as necessary! Perform 3x standard dips for every one ring dip if substituting.


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
10x Sotts press w/45 lbs. bar
10x Lateral lunges each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Movement Prep:

7x Jump starts*
30x Hand release push-ups**
5x Jump starts
20x Hand release push-ups
3x Jump starts
10x Hand release push-ups

Work Capacity:

21-15-9 Reps of
Double-unders x2

*Jump starts - utilizing a 36 inch box set up a cone 5 yards behind it, perform 3x box jumps then turn and sprint to the cone touch the ground and sprint back completing 1 rep of a jump start.
**At the bottom of each push-up when your chest touches the ground release your hands squeezing your shoulder blades back and together, then continue the push-up pressing up for one rep.

26 November 2010

Weekend Rest!

Winter is here, the season of goodwill, cold crisp air and warm hearts!

25 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
10x Sotts press w/45 lbs. bar
10x Lateral lunges each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Strength Endurance:

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Reps of:
Front Squat 135/95 lbs.
Box Jumps 36/24 inch box

24 November 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Eat lots of food, and be thankful for the goodness around you.

23 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
10x Sotts press w/45 lbs. bar
10x Lateral lunges each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Movement Prep:

10x Precision jumps to 24 inch box
10x Lateral jumps each side
10x Single leg hops each leg
15x Sit-through
15x Grasshoppers each direction


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Sandbag get-ups (each side) 80/60 lbs.
L-sit pull-ups
Ring dips
55/35 lbs. K.B. swings x2

22 November 2010



Complete one of the following:

1. Run 10k for time
2. Swim 3x 500m on the 9:00 min. mark
3. 1000x Step-ups w/ 20 lbs. vest

21 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Lateral lunges each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side


K.B. Swings 70+/50+ lbs.
Box Jumps > 36 inch box

Work Capacity:

Perform maximum reps at each of the following weights - 50/35, 45/30, 40/25, 35/20 lbs. dumbbells
1 min. Hang-squat clean
1 min. Thrusters
1 min. Push-press
1 min. Rest

Notes: Work Capacity looks like 1 min. of each exercise in order with 50 lbs. then 1 min. rest. Then repeat at 45 lbs., then 35 lbs. and finally finish all three movements at 35 lbs.

19 November 2010

Weekend Rest!

Unwind and relax, and in the words of Camelbak "Hydrate or Die!"

18 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Lateral lunges each leg
6x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Work Capacity:

21-15-9 Reps of:
Hang squat clean with 40/20 lbs. dumbbells

17 November 2010


Active Recovery:

10x 25m Underwater laps on the minute

Notes: On the top of the minute submerge and swim 25m underwater, whatever time remains within that minute is your rest period. If you are not comfortable with these, rest as required. If you are not capable of completing the distance, swim as far as you can underwater and then sprint the remaining distance on the surface. Try and swim a little further each time.

16 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
5x Shoulder dislocates
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Movement Prep:

20x Air squats
18x Lateral lunges
16x Jump squats
14x Jump Lunges
12x Box jumps 24/20 inch box
10x Tuck jumps
8x Lateral box jumps 24/20 inch box
6x 90 degree rotational box jumps 36 inch box
4x One-legged hops onto 24/20 inch box



Run 400m

Front Squat

Run 800m

Back Squat

Run 1 mile

15 November 2010



90+ mins. of one of the following:

1. Running
2. Swimming
3. Fin swimming
4. Biking
5. Rucking w/35 lbs. pack

14 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side
12x Lateral lunges each direction
30x Atomic push-ups


Split Jerk

Work Capacity:

Max rounds in 8 minutes of:
8x Tuck jumps
12x Situps

12 November 2010

Weekend Rest!

Utilize your fitness and do something fun and active this weekend - try rock climbing it's pretty legit! Clothes optional...

11 November 2010


Active Recovery:

Play! Use your body and move - run, jump, skip, hop, tumble, roll, throw, push, pull, climb, swim, bound, crawl and carry!

10 November 2010

Veteran's Day!

Today is Veteran's Day, in honor of our fallen brethren please visit the CrossFit website link below and scroll down to the HERO WOD's. Choose one, read about the honorable lost and then go your hardest to complete the training session, like that individual would have done for you.

Hero WOD's

09 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side
12x Lateral lunges each direction
30x Atomic push-ups


Hang Squat Clean


Bench press 3x Max reps at BW

10-8-6-4-2 Reps of
Front Squat

Deadlift 1RM
then Max reps in 1 min. at 150% BW

08 November 2010



90+ mins. of one of the following:

1. Running
2. Swimming
3. Fin swimming
4. Biking
5. Rucking w/35 lbs. pack


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
5x Hip Swivel each side
10x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side

Movement Prep:

6x Clapping pull-ups
30x Plyometric push-ups w/med ball
20x Wall balls
15x Plyometric push-ups w/med ball
10x Wall balls
9x Clapping Pull-ups

Work Capacity:

5 Rounds for time
10x Burpee pull-ups
10 yds. Handstand walk

04 November 2010



10 Rounds for time:
10x Ring push-ups w/feet level
10x BW rows w/feet level


Active Recovery:

Free running - a discipline to self development through the complete freedom of movement created by following your own way whilst using the environment to develop yourself and to always keep moving, but never retreating backwards.

Get outside and move freely over walls, through alleys, in the trees, through the water, negotiating whatever obstacles present themselves...


03 November 2010

02 November 2010



5 Rounds
10x Single arm snatch each arm 95/45 lbs. barbell
10x Dips
10x KTE's

5 Rounds
7x Thrusters 50/25 lbs. dumbbells
14x K.B. swings 50/35 lbs.

5 Rounds
5x HSPU's on parallettes
10x Thrusters w/45 lbs. bar
10x Back extensions
20x Sit-ups

8 Rounds
20x Flutterkicks
30 secs. Handstand hold

Notes: Scale weight as required. Depletion workouts are training sessions that are geared toward exhausting the body's muscle glycogen supply. Your body stores carbohydrates, the primary fuel we burn while training, and muscle glycogen is this storage of carbs. As these storage supplies are depleted your body runs out of power exhausting itself limiting the ability to continue.

This depletion of muscle glycogen has a positive effect on building lean muscle mass and jump starting your body to push past former plateau's. Beware though, upon completing the training your body will require a large intake of calories to replenish and repair the damaged muscles. Stay away from processed food and simple sugars.

01 November 2010


Strength Test:

Warm up with some light deadlifts and work up to your 3RM
Test - With 225/155 lbs. deadlift for maximum reps, if you stop moving you are finished the test, rest only in the up position holding the bar if you must rest.