09 November 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
10x Hip crossovers (legs straight) each direction
15x OHS w/45 lbs. bar
10x Hand walkouts
3x Scorpion strikes each side
12x Lateral lunges each direction
30x Atomic push-ups


Hang Squat Clean


Bench press 3x Max reps at BW

10-8-6-4-2 Reps of
Front Squat

Deadlift 1RM
then Max reps in 1 min. at 150% BW

1 comment:

  1. Did the mobility training then Ben and I both PR'ed at 205 on the hang squat cleans.

    The gym was packed so we modified the training:
    One arm bench press RH 80 lbs.
    One arm bench press LH 80 lbs.
    Plyometric depth push-ups to 24" boxes

    Practice HSPU's on parallettes and other gymnastics.

    Max rounds in 8 mins.
    4x HSPU's
    8x K.B. swings 60/40 lbs.
    12x Sit-ups

    Finished with 9 rounds.
