Monday's Training Session:
Max consecutive repetitions for each of the following:
Deadlift 135/75 lbs.
Kettlebell swings 50/35 lbs.
L-sit pull-ups
Notes: Complete one set of each exercise going to failure, rest between exercise 1-2 minutes. Total number of repetitions for all exercises is your score. Swings are all the way overhead, if you stop moving on the deadlift you're done - no resting at top or bottom, head must touch ground on every rep for HSPU's and knees must touch elbows every rep for KTE's. The minimum passing score for this test is a total of 150 points.
So the first caveat to the "Paleo Diet" is that it's exceptionally expensive to purchasing all these fruits and vegetables and meat. Because grains like pasta, rice, breads, and the like are good fillers in your diet, when you remove them everything else needs to increase. And unfortunately the items that need to increase are the pricier of the lot.
28 February 2010
26 February 2010
Rest Day

This weekend is free time, take advantage of your time, use it wisely it passes quickly. Next week will be a recovery week, with very light training to keep the blood flowing and give your body a break. Consider looking into a no-grains diet; the benefits of this choice are still outweighing the fact I don't eat bread and pasta anymore.
25 February 2010
Strength Endurance

Friday's Training Session:
3 Rounds for max reps of:
1 min. Deadlift 225/105 lbs.
1 min. Front squat 155/75 lbs.
1 min. Burpee box jump 24'' box
1 min. Grasshoppers
1 min. Rest
Strength is king! Through out my training evolution I have reaffirmed the importance of strength and come 360 degrees in understanding that an individual who is well developed in relative strength (strength based on maximum force production in relation to body weight proportion) will the majority of the time demolish someone whose energy was focused else where. It is important to understand that I am not referring to maximal strength (maximum force production by itself) where in specifically focusing on this can lead to unwanted and excessive mass that impedes other fitness capabilities like speed, power, endurance and flexibility. Relative strength should be the foundation of your training goals, unto which you then step off chasing power, speed, endurance, agility, flexibility and balance.
24 February 2010
Thursday's Training Session:
3x Attempts at maximum consecutive muscle-ups. Rest as required in between attempts, post highest number achieved to comments.
3x Attempts at maximum consecutive muscle-ups. Rest as required in between attempts, post highest number achieved to comments.
23 February 2010
Work Capacity
Wednesday's Training Session:
10 Rounds for time:
5x Curtis P. 115/65 lbs.
7x Ankles to bar
10x Burpees
Notes: A Curtis P. is an exercise developed by Rob Shaul of Mountain Athlete that is sure to get your heart racing while building superior strength. Grind through this workout at a consistent and deliberate pace. Post time to comments.
10 Rounds for time:
5x Curtis P. 115/65 lbs.
7x Ankles to bar
10x Burpees
Notes: A Curtis P. is an exercise developed by Rob Shaul of Mountain Athlete that is sure to get your heart racing while building superior strength. Grind through this workout at a consistent and deliberate pace. Post time to comments.
22 February 2010
Water Confidence
Tuesday's Training Session:
2000m Fin swim for time
Notes: Post swim time to comments. A thruster is a front squat into a push press. For the thrusters work up to five rep max, then progress toward 1RM, post loads to comments.
Weighed in at 173 lbs. today, down from 185 lbs. at the start of the Paleo diet. Still no noticable difference in strength or performance.
2000m Fin swim for time
Notes: Post swim time to comments. A thruster is a front squat into a push press. For the thrusters work up to five rep max, then progress toward 1RM, post loads to comments.
Weighed in at 173 lbs. today, down from 185 lbs. at the start of the Paleo diet. Still no noticable difference in strength or performance.
21 February 2010
Strength/Work Capacity
19 February 2010
Rest Day
18 February 2010
Work Capacity
Friday's Training Session:
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
3x Deadlift 275/135 lbs.
4x Pull-ups
20x Sledgehammer hits
So I basically, started following the "Paleo diet" which consists of a primary food intake of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and nuts and seeds. Grains - rice, pasta, cereals, breads, etc. and dairy are supposed to be eliminated from your eating habits. This is not a "diet" in the sense of trying to lose weight or anything ignorant like that, but a new lifestyle of eating practices like being a vegetarian. I wouldn't share anything with you if I hadn't tried it out first and found it to be beneficial. So results so far after about three weeks are as follows:
1. Same energy levels as before, but I never feel heavy, slow, tired, or overly full
2. After a week of eating this way you immediately begin to lean out
3. I never am hungry an hour later, like used to be
4. I feel good
I will continue to keep you posted on the results whether positive or negative. More research here.
As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes of:
3x Deadlift 275/135 lbs.
4x Pull-ups
20x Sledgehammer hits
So I basically, started following the "Paleo diet" which consists of a primary food intake of fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, and nuts and seeds. Grains - rice, pasta, cereals, breads, etc. and dairy are supposed to be eliminated from your eating habits. This is not a "diet" in the sense of trying to lose weight or anything ignorant like that, but a new lifestyle of eating practices like being a vegetarian. I wouldn't share anything with you if I hadn't tried it out first and found it to be beneficial. So results so far after about three weeks are as follows:
1. Same energy levels as before, but I never feel heavy, slow, tired, or overly full
2. After a week of eating this way you immediately begin to lean out
3. I never am hungry an hour later, like used to be
4. I feel good
I will continue to keep you posted on the results whether positive or negative. More research here.
17 February 2010
16 February 2010
Wednesday's Training Session:
For time:
400m Car push
50x Dive bomber push-ups
30x Pull-ups
20x Burpees
Notes: This starts with a quarter mile of pushing a car and ends with a quick bout of calisthenics to keep you moving after your heart is racing. Complete as fast as possible, post time to comments.
I am a firm believer in making strength the number one priority and foundation for the rest of our fitness base. However, in the next couple of weeks I am going to introduce a high volume of circuit training interspersed with timed events (chippers) like today, utilizing low reps, but heavy loads. These circuits are going to combine strong man lifts and carries, intense full body maneuvers, and environmental mobility drills (climbing, jumping, crawling, etc.). I'm trying to trim the excess and develop a program that is all encompassing and eliminate some of the redundant movements. Look for more diverse sessions ahead, but that will still require maximum intensity on your part.
For time:
400m Car push
50x Dive bomber push-ups
30x Pull-ups
20x Burpees
Notes: This starts with a quarter mile of pushing a car and ends with a quick bout of calisthenics to keep you moving after your heart is racing. Complete as fast as possible, post time to comments.
I am a firm believer in making strength the number one priority and foundation for the rest of our fitness base. However, in the next couple of weeks I am going to introduce a high volume of circuit training interspersed with timed events (chippers) like today, utilizing low reps, but heavy loads. These circuits are going to combine strong man lifts and carries, intense full body maneuvers, and environmental mobility drills (climbing, jumping, crawling, etc.). I'm trying to trim the excess and develop a program that is all encompassing and eliminate some of the redundant movements. Look for more diverse sessions ahead, but that will still require maximum intensity on your part.
Water Confidence
Tuesday's training Session:
Fin swim 500m
4x 25m underwater
1 min. rest between laps
Hypoxic laps
6 breaths
5 breaths
4 breaths
3 breaths
2 breaths
1 breath
4x 25m underwater
25m freestyle sprint
1 min. rest between laps
Fin swim 500m w/ 10 lbs. pool brick, keep brick out of water the whole time
100x Flutter kicks
Notes: Hypoxic laps consist of swimming six lengths of the pool in succession starting the first length with only six breaths and deducting one breath each length after. When keeping the pool brick out of the water its best to side stroke and use one hand to hold the brick suspended out, or swim on your back and use both hands to keep the brick out of the water.
Fin swim 500m
4x 25m underwater
1 min. rest between laps
Hypoxic laps
6 breaths
5 breaths
4 breaths
3 breaths
2 breaths
1 breath
4x 25m underwater
25m freestyle sprint
1 min. rest between laps
Fin swim 500m w/ 10 lbs. pool brick, keep brick out of water the whole time
100x Flutter kicks
Notes: Hypoxic laps consist of swimming six lengths of the pool in succession starting the first length with only six breaths and deducting one breath each length after. When keeping the pool brick out of the water its best to side stroke and use one hand to hold the brick suspended out, or swim on your back and use both hands to keep the brick out of the water.
14 February 2010
Strength/Work Capacity
Monday's Training Session:
10x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
9x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
8x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
7x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
6x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
5x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
4x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
3x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
2x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
1x Power clean 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
Notes: There is a lot of volume here, consistently work through at a determined pace, go hard. The emphasis of training like this is to overwhelm the mind, we are building mental toughness here. Get it done one step at a time, keep moving and progress will abound. Scale weight of power cleans as necessary to meet your current ability.
10x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
9x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
8x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
7x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
6x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
5x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
4x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
3x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
2x Power cleans 135/75 lbs.
Run 400m
1x Power clean 135/75 lbs.
20x Burpees
Notes: There is a lot of volume here, consistently work through at a determined pace, go hard. The emphasis of training like this is to overwhelm the mind, we are building mental toughness here. Get it done one step at a time, keep moving and progress will abound. Scale weight of power cleans as necessary to meet your current ability.
13 February 2010
Rest Day
Take the weekend to rest up! Do something new in the local area, check out a place you've never been. Try something you've always been afraid to do. Go committed. Oh yeah, Happy V.D. But most importantly Happy Birthday to my amazing wife Courtney!
11 February 2010
Work Capacity

Friday's Training Session:
60, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 seconds of:
Jingle jangles
Dead hang from pull-up bar
Notes: Looks like 60 secs. of jingle jangles immediately followed by 60 secs. dead hang, then 50 secs. of each then 40 secs. of each etc. A jingle jangle is a sprint back and forth between a 5-7 yard distance touching the ground at each side.
I just want to throw something out there - when you invest consistent hard work into this type of training YOU WILL become stronger, YOU WILL become faster, YOU WILL last longer, and YOU WILL develop mental strength and confidence to conquer obstacles, challenges, and adversaries placed in front of you. Its science! Go with it.
10 February 2010
Thursday's Training Session:
Perform 90 minutes of activity in either running, swimming, biking, intense hiking, snowshoeing or rowing.
Now a days people push short highly intense training sessions, which cover all bases. This is true to a degree. You get the best bang for your buck training short durations at maximum intensity, and the majority of our training is centered around this method. However, I am a firm believer and have tried and tested this approach, and find that long bouts of intermittent stamina and endurance activity do serve their purpose. It is also important to keep your body guessing, because in real life sometimes we're sprinting for our lives and other times we find ourselves just grinding through. Overall what is important to understand is that we should never settle for one approach, but rather challenge ourselves on all facets. Who knows what tomorrow will bring or what obstacle we may face.
Perform 90 minutes of activity in either running, swimming, biking, intense hiking, snowshoeing or rowing.
Now a days people push short highly intense training sessions, which cover all bases. This is true to a degree. You get the best bang for your buck training short durations at maximum intensity, and the majority of our training is centered around this method. However, I am a firm believer and have tried and tested this approach, and find that long bouts of intermittent stamina and endurance activity do serve their purpose. It is also important to keep your body guessing, because in real life sometimes we're sprinting for our lives and other times we find ourselves just grinding through. Overall what is important to understand is that we should never settle for one approach, but rather challenge ourselves on all facets. Who knows what tomorrow will bring or what obstacle we may face.
09 February 2010

Wednesday's Training Session:
5 Rounds
Max reps of body weight bench press
Row 500m or run 400m
I recently read on a friend's blog an excerpt on core values. Essentially, a set of ideals that we as individuals should strive to achieve and live up to. As a member of the U.S. Coast Guard I am held to a standard that emphasizes Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty as it's core values. I however, live by my own additional and personal creed. It is paramount to one's personal growth to establish a foundation of morals, truths, ideals, and standards to live by in our daily lives. These standards serve to guide us in our choices, decisions and actions, as well as provide motivation, hope, and direction. What I have found to be most helpful and beneficial for myself is the following manifesto:
1. Pray first...
2. Stay FAITHFUL - to God, to your significant other, to your family.
3. Be Strong in everything you do!
4. Help those in need...
5. Fight the good fight, finish the course, NEVER QUIT, endure always!
6. "Either you do or you don't!" So do it anyway.
7. Remember to be humble, thankful and patient.
08 February 2010
Water Confidence
Tuesday's Training Session:
500m Fin swim - no arms
4 Rounds
25m underwater
25m freestyle sprint
1 min. recovery
4 Rounds
25m freestyle sprint
15x push-ups
25m freestyle sprint
25x flutter kicks
25m freestyle sprint
15x sea turtles
25m freestyle sprint
10x pistols
1 min. recovery
4 Rounds
25m underwater - complete a task before surfacing - tie a knot in a line underwater, take your watch off and put it on your other hand, say the alphabet backwards in your head, or put together a puzzle made of legos
This is our first water training session. The objective of the training is to build confidence and adaptability in an unnatural, but commonplace environment. Whether you set out on your own into the marine environment, or end up in the water unexpectedly, confidence and comfortability can only assist you in making it back out safely. The world is covered in up to seventy percent water, and we must be prepared to survive in this environment when so much of our travels take us over, around, or into the water. As a mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, friend or even just a good samaritan this skill may save someone's life someday.
Notes: Use a pool, lake, river or the ocean. Train with a partner, watch out for predatory marine life, and scale the session to meet your current ability. Under water swims are performed however you wish with fins or without. Sea turtles are performed by lying on your stomach, then fully extending and raising your arms and legs off the deck, next swing your arms from in front of your face back to your sides, repeat for prescribe reps. Pistols are single leg squats.
500m Fin swim - no arms
4 Rounds
25m underwater
25m freestyle sprint
1 min. recovery
4 Rounds
25m freestyle sprint
15x push-ups
25m freestyle sprint
25x flutter kicks
25m freestyle sprint
15x sea turtles
25m freestyle sprint
10x pistols
1 min. recovery
4 Rounds
25m underwater - complete a task before surfacing - tie a knot in a line underwater, take your watch off and put it on your other hand, say the alphabet backwards in your head, or put together a puzzle made of legos
This is our first water training session. The objective of the training is to build confidence and adaptability in an unnatural, but commonplace environment. Whether you set out on your own into the marine environment, or end up in the water unexpectedly, confidence and comfortability can only assist you in making it back out safely. The world is covered in up to seventy percent water, and we must be prepared to survive in this environment when so much of our travels take us over, around, or into the water. As a mother, father, sister, brother, husband, wife, friend or even just a good samaritan this skill may save someone's life someday.
Notes: Use a pool, lake, river or the ocean. Train with a partner, watch out for predatory marine life, and scale the session to meet your current ability. Under water swims are performed however you wish with fins or without. Sea turtles are performed by lying on your stomach, then fully extending and raising your arms and legs off the deck, next swing your arms from in front of your face back to your sides, repeat for prescribe reps. Pistols are single leg squats.
07 February 2010
Monday's Training Session:
10 Rounds
3x Power clean @ body weight
6x Box jumps 36"- 44" box
6x Clean and jerk 2 x 50/30 lbs. dumbbells or kettle bells
We're building power with this workout, moving heavy loads quick distances. Watch your form and technique, do not sacrifice these things in order to finish faster. These movements are eccentric and will help strengthen your joints and bones. Start this week off strong!
10 Rounds
3x Power clean @ body weight
6x Box jumps 36"- 44" box
6x Clean and jerk 2 x 50/30 lbs. dumbbells or kettle bells
We're building power with this workout, moving heavy loads quick distances. Watch your form and technique, do not sacrifice these things in order to finish faster. These movements are eccentric and will help strengthen your joints and bones. Start this week off strong!
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