19 October 2010


Mobility Training:

HAM Complex
5x Hip Swivel each side
5x Shoulder Dislocates
10x Sotts Press w/ 45 lbs. bar
10x Sit through each side

Movement Prep:

100x Double-unders
20x Box jumps 36/24" box
20x Depth plyometric push-up
10x Wrestler's bridge


6-8x 100m Sprint

Work Capacity:

For time:
25x Walking Lunge
20x Pull-up
50x Tuck-jumps
20x Double-unders
25x Ring dips
20x KTE's
30x K.B. swings 60/40 lbs.
30x Sit-ups
20x Hang squat cleans 95/65 lbs.
25x Back Extensions
30x Thrusters 45 lbs. bar
45x pull-ups


  1. Completed Wednesday.

    100x Jump ropes were subbed for the 100x Double Unders. Did not complete the 100M sprints in preparation for the ass-kicking that was the work capacity for.

    Work Capacity 41:51.
    No rings, did 3x dips (assistance when necessary).
    K.B. swings @ 55#'s.
    Last set of pull-ups were assisted on every single rep.

    I never look forward to work capacity stuff. However, i do my best to complete the workout within my abilities. Talked myself out of puking once during this one. After i finished i just laid on the ground with my eyes closed for 15 mins. Smoked!

  2. 26:32 for the work capacity, felt like butt after the tuck jumps and maintained that feeling all the way through...
