
05 November 2019


10 Sets:
Sprint uphill for 20 seconds
Rest 1 min

Note: Find a patch of vertical, it could be in the wilderness or on a paved road, but you need a decent incline to challenge you. These sprints should be conducted at the highest output you can sustain for all ten sets. 

04 November 2019


Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3 

Accessory Work
3x10 3-point DB row, as heavy as possible
3 Sets
100yd LH suitcase carry, as heavy as possible
100yd RH suitcase carry, as heavy as possible

Note: Looking for the deadlift to be around 70% of your max on the first working set and ending at 80% or a little more for the last couple sets. The suitcase carry is essentially a 1-arm farmer walk, that forces your core to work harder due to imbalanced loading. Take your time to warm-up and sustain movement integrity as priority one. Strength is integral to overall fitness, but a "number" in the gym is useless if it induces injury. Therefore, train with the understanding that it's a means, not the end goal!

03 November 2019


Strength Endurance
Complete as many rounds as possible within 15 minutes:
5x Towel grip pull-ups
8x Lateral plyo push-ups, over 45lb bumper plate
12x Pistol squats, alternating
10x Weighted overhead sit-ups, 45lb bar or plate

Note: Utilize a towel draped over your pull-up bar or other suspension-worthy horizontal, then grab each end for a challenging grip variation of the standard pull-up. Work purposefully to keep moving, while focusing on quality movement. If your job requires you to wear body armor or you are a firefighter, add a weighted vest to your efforts. Train hard, stay safe!