24 April 2011


"If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you."
John 15:7


ROM Drills (Mobility exercises):
HAM Complex
Shoulder disassociation
Hip crossover
Backward and forward rolls
Scorpion strikes
Hand walkout
Shoulder dislocate
Leg swings

Work Capacity:

For time:
50x Walking lunges
20x BW rows on rings
40x Burpee roll-overs*
25x Ring dips
50yd Bear crawl
50x K.B. swings 55/35 lbs.
30x Sit-ups
15x Sandbag clean and jerk 80/50 lbs.
30x K.B. goblet squat 55/35 lbs.
20x Strict ring pull-ups

*At the bottom of the burpee roll over completely before jumping back up. Alternate directions every rep.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney finished today in 30:21, I ended around 14 mins. with every set unbroken.
