
31 July 2010

Rest Day!

Train smart, eat right, rest up! Take the weekend to accomplish the last two.

30 July 2010


Friday's Training Session:


29 July 2010

Active Recovery

Thursday's Training Session:

Warm up with 10 minutes of jumping rope; mix in variables of double-unders, cross overs, single foot, and running.

8x Wall walks

20 minutes active stretching

Notes: To perform a wall walk start standing up with your back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until your hands come in contact with the wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling, this is one repetition. Rest as needed between.

27 July 2010

Strength Endurance

Wednesday's Training Session:

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Ring dips
Pistols each leg

Metabolic Conditioning

Tuesday's Training Session:


21-15-9 reps of:
Overhead squat 115/75 lbs.
Burpee pull-ups

25 July 2010

Metabolic Conditioning

Monday's Training Session:

150x Burpees AFAP

23 July 2010

Rest Day!

This is your rest time to let your body rebuild itself from all our training. Do not overtrain - take the rest!

22 July 2010


Friday's Training Session:

30-20-10 Reps of
Back extension
V-ups w 15/8 lbs. med ball


6x 3 min. sprints either swimming or running
Rest 1 min. between intervals

Notes: V-ups are performed by lying on your back arms stretched out above head holding med ball, simultaneously
raise legs and arms up to ceiling meeting in center return to start for one rep.

21 July 2010


Thursday's Training Session:

5 Rounds
5x Deadlift 135/95 lbs.
5x Hang clean 135/95 lbs.
10x Renegade row push-ups
5x Pull-ups


5 Rounds
5x Squat clean 135/95 lbs.
12x BW rows


5 Rounds
10x Hang squat clean 2x 45/25 lbs. dumbbells
30x Push-ups

Rest Day!

Middle of the week rest is awesome, and sometimes necessary! Prepare for tomorrow by stretching out and hydrating.

19 July 2010


Tuesday' Training Session:


5-10-15-20-25-25-20-15-10-5 Reps of
Alternating pistols

Notes: On the deadlift use a weight that you can complete each set unbroken, move up in weight each sequential set.

18 July 2010


Monday's Training Session:

Fin swim 1 mile, run 10k, bike 25k, or row 5k

10x 60m Wind Sprints w/15 secs. rest
6x Hill Sprints w/45 secs. rest

15 July 2010

Rest Day!

Weekend rest. Stay hydrated as always - use your fitness and go play!

13 July 2010


Friday's Training Session:

Single Arm Snatch

In between each set of snatches perform a 45 sec. wrestler's bridge.

Notes: Snatch each weight with both arms in order to complete a successful rep. The picture is a depiction of the wrestler's bridge.

Metabolic Conditioning

Thursday's Training Session:

Max rounds in 15 minutes of
5x Press 60/30 lbs.
7x Box jump 42/30 inch box

Active Recovery

Wednesday's Training Session:

Warm up with 10 minutes of jumping rope; mix in variables of double-unders, cross overs, single foot, and running.

8x Wall walks

20 minutes active stretching

Notes: To perform a wall walk start standing up with your back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until your hands come in contact with the wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling, this is one repetition. Rest as needed between.

12 July 2010


Tuesday's Training Session:

Front Squat

After each of the five sets of front squats do 4 rounds of
3x Pull-ups
6x Jump squats
9x Dive-bomber push-ups

Notes: At the end of the session you should have completed your 3RM front squat and 20 rounds of 3x pull-ups, 6x jump squats, and 9x DB push-ups. After you complete the four rounds as fast as possible rest fully before the next set of front squats. Stay hydrated!

11 July 2010

Metabolic Conditioning

Monday's Training Session:

5 Rounds
21x Pull-ups
21x Dips
21x SDHP 95/65 lbs.

Notes: As cited last Friday, the incorporation of gymnastic movements will begin to increase so as to increase strength through the control of our own body weight both dynamically and statically.

53 Ways to Build Muscle, Gain Strength & Be F*ckin Awesome

10 July 2010

Rest Day!

Stretch, stretch, stretch - then stretch a little more! Stay hydrated over the weekend, relax and rest up.

Striving for an ideal level of functional fitness - fitness being your body's ability to control movement, i.e., strength, power, flexibility, endurance, stamina, agility, balance, coordination - across the board is no easy undertaking. However, the higher your fitness level the greater your ability to do and to be whatever! It is with this goal in mind, of maximizing one's potential, that we train and condition our minds and bodies through a disciplined training regimen. Ultimately, we additionally want the best bang for our buck. I know that I'm not trying to just look the part, but be the part. And that means hard work is required - period! HARD, HARD WORK. So again our training is going to evolve.

Strength is paramount, because it is the pillar of all other fitness. I've come to realize that there is an order and precedence to training that should be followed. You wouldn't try to overhead squat your body weight if you couldn't properly perform an air squat first, and it would be foolish to start bench pressing if you couldn't perform strict push-ups. Considering this, we are going to build up our strength from the ground up, starting where it matters, with you. Bear with me - scientists, coaches, and doctors all change their concepts of what the best training protocols are all the time. We are going to focus on body weight only movements, e.g., gymnastics to build a foundation in strength. What does focus mean? It means primarily this is what will be utilized in the training, but don't be surprised if you still see hang cleans pop up every now and again...

06 July 2010


Thursday's Training Session:

6-5-4-3 Reps of
BW Hang squat clean
Dive-bomber push-ups x2
L-sit pull-ups x2


4 Rounds
Max reps OHS 135/65 lbs.
Max reps Deadlift 225/135 lbs.

Notes: Rest as required between rounds for both events.


Wednesday's Training Session:

Run, swim, row or hike w/35 lbs. vest or pack for 40+ minutes.

05 July 2010

Metabolic Conditioning

Tuesday's Training Session:

Perform each movement for 1 minute of max repetitions
K.B. Snatch
K.B. Clean and press
K.B. Front squat
K.B. Thruster
Alternating K.B. one hand swing

Notes: Use one 55/35 lbs. kettle bell, complete all movements with left hand, then switch and complete with right hand for a total of ten non-stop minutes.

Metabolic Conditioning

Monday's Training Session:

50x Renegade man-makers 40/20 lbs. dumbbells

Notes: 1 Rep of Renegade man-maker = hang clean, push press, drop to push up position, push up, row, push up, row, jump to standing.

02 July 2010

Rest Day!

Another end of the week relaxation period - that is, at least from training. Stretch out, rehydrate, enjoy the summer!

01 July 2010


Friday's Training Session:

Front Squat

Box Squat


Thursday's Training Session:

5-4-3-2-1 Reps of
Single arm snatch each arm

Then for time
20x HSPU's
40x KTE
15x HSPU's
30x KTE