26 April 2010

Strength Endurance

Tuesday's Training Session:

5 Rounds for time
30x Box jumps 36" box
20x Push press 2x 60/30 lbs. kettlebells
30x Pull-ups

Notes: Sub a 115/65 lbs. barbell for push press if don't have kettlebells.


  1. I did not have fun with this session, final time was 27:56. I conducted the first half as max rounds in twenty mins. and managed three rounds plus 10x pull-ups, I then continued on as fast as possible to finish the five rounds.

    Matt completed 3 rounds and 9x pull-ups in the 20 mins. using a 24" box and 95lbs. push press.

  2. 4 rounds 36:25 (cut short because Laurie's car was dead in Targets parking lot and she needed rescuing).

    I hated every second of this one. The first 2 rounds I used a 36" stand for the jumps. After that I downgraded to 24" jumps simply so I could keep plowing through the damn thing.

    Dumbells were used instead of kettlebells @ 35#s. Much harder than just using the barbell; I was dumbfounded!

    All pullups were either assisted on the anti gravity machine, jumping, kipping, or body weight rows. This one was awful.

  3. 29:35, used 95 lbs bar. after first 30 or so pull-ups started kipping. Did all different grips for the pull ups in order to work different muscles. I used a picknick table for the box jumps.

  4. Howzit!!

    Finished in 29:02

    Used 95lbs bar
