01 June 2010


Wednesday's Training Session:

5x Rounds for time
15x SDHP 135/75 lbs.
35x Elevated push-ups

Notes: The sumo deadlift high-pull is a wide stance deadlift where the bar is pulled all the way to the chin for each repetition. Perform the push-ups with your feet suspended in a set of rings or on top of a 24" box.


  1. Awesome session, I love the SDHP and I love push-ups cant ask for anything more.

  2. 19:07

    95# SDHP

    Declined pushups (as i burned out) were changed to regular pushups, then to inclined pushups in an effort to push on. Three days of poor fueling made it very difficult to perform.

    I'm going to do a 4 mile run today as well.
