25 July 2011


"Everything worth anything is hard!"
- Me


5 Rounds
Max rep dumbbell thrusters 2x 50/25 lbs. for 30 secs.
Rest 30 secs.

Then immediately after perform:

5 Rounds
Max rep dumbbell swings right arm 50/25 lbs. for 30 secs.
Rest 30 secs.
Max rep dumbbell swings left arm 50/25 lbs. for 30 secs.
Rest 30 secs.


  1. Thrusters 14-10-10-10-8

    Swings 15 reps every set

  2. Warm Up: 10 min gas mask jog and full stretch

    Thrusters @ 40#s: 14/7/7/8/4

    Swings @ 403: 12/12/11/10/10

    Full stretch

    *Notes: I did not even want to work out today as my legs were/are smoked from the last two days. But i decided "fuck it". Thrusters were so awkward and heavy as fuck. I am really weak. The first set of 14 was done with the mask on, i ditched it for the next set and never put it back on.

    The swings weren't bad, i was just gassed. Thrusters are easier with a barbell. But I'm weak so they are difficult no matter what. The mask is legit. I am buying one.

    Looking forward to tomorrows swim.
