24 May 2010

Metabolic Conditioning

Tuesday's Training Session:

For time complete:
Run 400m
50x Double-unders
Run 400m
50 yd. Farmer carry 150/75 lbs.
Run 400m
50x Kettlebell snatches 70/35 lbs.
Run 400m
50 yd. Farmer carry 150/75 lbs.
Run 400m

Notes: This is where we breathe hard and build up our work capacity. If you have not mastered double-unders substitute with a tuck jump (Take time after the session to practice double-unders). For the farmer carry you can use a weighted bar, kettlebells, dumbbells, keg, tire just as long as it is 150 lbs or more. To increase functionality use unequal amounts of weight on each side, just remember to switch grips on the second carry.


  1. Wow it was hot today, completed the session while wearing a 20 pound vest the entire time - not fun! Finished in 16:00 flat, I always think it's weird when you end on the minute...

  2. 23:13:57.

    Subbed tuck jumps for double-unders. Kettlebell snatches; 25x each arm @ 33#. Everything else as prescribed.

    I used such a low weight for the kettlebell snatches because i am not comfortable snatching with those things. Next time i am subbing dumbbells at the prescribed weight.

    Would have loved to work on double-unders after the workout, but i was smoked.

  3. 18:40

    Subbed tuck jumps as well, did 25 each arm dumbbell snatches with 55 lbs. Everything else as prescribed.
