17 May 2010

Work Capacity

Tuesday's Training Session:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5x BW rows on rings
10x Ball slams
15x Burpees
20x Jumping jacks

Notes: Use the heaviest med ball weight you have available for the ball slams. Sub bent over rows with 50-75% body weight for body weight rows if no rings or bar access. Have fun!


  1. subbed push ups instead of the Ball Slams because I did not have a med ball. 8.5 rounds.

  2. 6 Rounds

    5x Bent over rows @115#
    10x Ball slams @ 30#
    15x Burpees
    20x Jumping jacks

    Terrible workout for my first day back from a longer than needed-working-to-much-induced rest period.

  3. Courtney completed 8 rounds and 15 burpees as RX'ed! Good work babe.

    I finished with 11 rounds and 5 body weight rows as RX'ed.
